Everyone has their hand out these days – including us! With so many of our clients in the non-profit sector, we often become involved in soliciting donations, selling tickets, or attending events to raise money for a wide variety of wonderful causes. Of course the inherent benefit of “doing good” is obvious, but as a marketing firm, we also are not shy about asking, “What’s in it for us?” – or for our clients.
Example: A SPARKS! client of four years, Valleybrook Country Club, hosts a Lazy River Duck Derby to benefit the American Red Cross of Harford County. Of course, they are thrilled to raise money for a charity that maintains our nation’s blood support, provides disaster relief all over the world, and helps military families locally – but that is not the only reason we suggested it as part of their strategic marketing plan. We also love the free publicity, including an upcoming article in The Sun, multiple feature stories in local magazines, and oh yeah, 500 potential members coming to the club and seeing first hand what a beautiful place it is!
So why not buy a ticket for the Lazy River Duck Derby on May 21st from 12-4 PM? Great day out with the family…ingratiate yourself with Valleybrook and the Red Cross Board Members…win one of 3 fabulous prizes…Hob-Nob with numerous influential businesses attending and sponsoring the event…check out a great location and get ideas for your own charity event…and finally – support the Harford County American Red Cross!
So with that said, with which charities will your business become involved? How are you using it to your advantage?
Make it a win-win/win-win situation!
SPARKS! Marketing Maven