Creating a high-performing website is just the first step in the process. Remember the tree that fell in the woods that no one heard? Without help from Search Engine Optimization ( SEO ) and Internet Marketing, the same can be said for your website.
A beautiful website with great content is important, but it means nothing if customers can’t find your site! Attracting website visitors is not a “set-and-forget” action. It requires planning, active management and monitoring.
Search Engine Optimization
The major search engines are constantly updating their algorithms to provide relevant, trustworthy and authoritative content. And they reward optimized websites that are frequently updated with new information. SPARKS! offers site search optimization and ongoing SEO monitoring to track your site’s performance and keep up with your competition.
Read More: What Is SEO?
Internet Marketing and Digital Advertising
Internet marketing has evolved from basic pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns to sophisticated multi-channel data-gathering tools that can help you to be found in those woods and generate brand awareness and leads. The average internet visitor sees thousands of advertisements each day, both consciously and sub-consciously. To be seen, let alone remembered, you’ll need a strategy and compelling creative to cut through the clutter.
SPARKS! is a Google Partner and can help you by developing and managing result-oriented search, display, video and remarketing campaigns that increase traffic, opportunities and brand recognition.
Read More: What Is Digital Marketing?
Data and Analytics
Despite what some may believe, the internet is not some mysterious entity that operates in anonymity. It tracks. Almost everything. You need to know who your visitors are, where they came from and what they are looking for in order to determine ROI and effectiveness. SPARKS! knows this and we offer data and analysis from a number of different sources and providers.
READ MORE: Google Analytics Is Changing – What Is GA4?