Well, that was quick. 2014 is already long gone. Here we are in 2015 and much of what seemed cutting edge is forgotten about. Like technology, marketing always seems to be changing, with new ideas and ways about reaching your target audience and getting the most effective ROI.
While strategy or campaign may change, basic marketing principles will always remain: know your strategy before your tactics; know your market; differentiate yourself from your competitors; your message must be consistent; your brand must deliver on its promise.
For 2015, here are some trends to look out for:
More and more mobile
Yes, mobile has been growing for a number of years, but it will continue to increase and marketers should seek new ways to use mobile devices. While some may think it is invasive, many mobile users do see and act in response to ads on their mobile devices. With smartphones’ screens becoming wider and larger, and many users even using their devices for entertainment purposes, marketers will be wise spend on mobile, or phablets, as they are called. According to the NDP Group Connected Intelligence Device Marketplace Report, smartphones with screens of 4.7 inches and larger account for more than a quarter of mobile device sales.
More and more content
In January 1996, Bill Gates wrote an article titled “Content is King” in which he predicted that content is where “much of the real money will be made on the Internet, just as it was in broadcasting.” Content continues to be as important a part of any marketing strategy. Content is important because it allows your company to rank high in Google’s rankings. Instead, however, of just writing blogs, content can be done through while papers, infographics, videos, and other media.
More and more video
We love images. They capture out attention. In blogs and other content marketing tactics, images are utilized. What better way to let the consumer see what the product looks like? Or to let your target audience see what your company does? However, we love stories and still images alone cannot always tell the story. Marketers can utilize video to tell the story they need to convey their message and to connect with the target audience.
More and more customization
The marketer’s dream is to reach each person on an individual level. Remember that scene in Minority Report when Tom Cruise’s character is targeted by each brand in the store? More and more, marketers will use data to dig deeper and deeper to find out more about consumers’ buying habits, their lifestyles, preferences, etc. While many consumers will be wary of such data collection, many consumers still willingly surrender a specific amount of personal information to companies that use this information to offer them products that are specific to their interests, saving both the shopper and the marketer time and money.