When speaking of marketing, many of us tend to think of external marketing, trying to find ways to keep existing consumers and to gain new ones. These are important obstacles that must be overcome. However, we tend to miss out on the first group of people companies need to reach – their employees. Any employer […]
Traditional Marketing: Still Needed
It’s no surprise that mobile usage continues to rise in the U.S. More and more marketers are keen on this fact, and companies are investing more time and money into mobile ads, seeking to reach consumers. However, while mobile usage is expected to rise, and mobile marketing has become a necessary part of a company’s […]
Claims of "The Best" Can Backfire
Your new product has come out. Of course, you want your target audience to hear about it and to purchase it. Like many companies, you tout your new product as “The Best” and you begin an ad campaign which utilizes comparative advertising. Your competitors cannot top your product or service, your ads imply, or outrightly […]
Big Data: It's Not Big Brother
Big data. Two small words that, when combined, evoke sinister images. The fear of being spied upon. Communications monitored. Big Brother. The movie Minority Report. But is it only that? Is big data used solely by governmental agencies for spying?
It’s the Small Things That Count
When creating a marketing plan, marketers understandably look at the big picture and try to focus on the goal. This is important. Without knowing what your goal is, you have no direction. And so, marketers will develop strategies and come up with prioritized action items to ensure that they are successful. However, beneath all of […]
Ice Bucket Challenge: Marketing Tips
The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has has raised $31.5 million dollars for the ALS Foundation since first becoming popular in June. And it’s a great cause everyone can quickly and easily participate in, while having fun. No doubt, marketers are looking upon this with envy. In the back of marketer’s minds, they’re all asking, “How can […]
Cause Marketing: Should I do It?
Cause marketing, by definition, is when a for-profit corporation partners with a non-profit organization and both benefit from this mutual partnership. This may take the form of partnering in a social cause or sponsorship, etc. But while this is all good and rewarding, what is the real goal of cause marketing? And how should your […]
Do Marketers Create Need?
Has the question, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” been settled? In my office, it’s not. I ask this, because as marketers, we’re always having to answer – especially to those who are skeptical about marketing – the following: Do marketers create the need? Or are we responding to a need?
Marketing: Where Does the Morality Lie?
It’s the age-old question, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” In marketing, it goes, “Which came first, the consumer’s need or the desire created by the marketer?” Do marketers influence consumer behavior? Do they create an artificial need? Even if there is a need, are marketers right to play on that need or […]
World Cup 2014 – A Marketer’s Dream
In a few days, FIFA’s World Cup 2014 will officially kick off in Brazil. Undoubtedly, this is the world’s largest sporting event. In 2010, when the event was held in South Africa, FIFA’s research showed that over 3.2 billion people watched live coverage for a minimum of one minute, viewership for each match was 188.4 million, […]