Big data. The phrase brings to mind NSA. People being spied upon. Telephones and emails monitored. Big Brother. The movie Minority Report? But is it only that? Is big data used solely by governmental agencies for spying?
Let’s Meet In Person – The Value of Face-to-Face Marketing
Information today is shared almost instantaneously. Email, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and many other social media platforms, individuals, businesses and government agencies can get their messages or latest news out to their target audiences.
Reaching Your Diverse Target Audience
How do you reach your targeted audience that comprises of employees in different levels of each company? What best strategy should you take? Instead of deciding on one strategy and one social platform, diversifying your method is the best way, while keeping consistency – which is vital – in your message.
Interaction Frequency: How Often Do You Reach Your Customers?
Using Email, Social, And Web Assets In An Interaction Frequency Strategy To Keep In Touch With Customers How often do you communicate with your clients, prospects, and audience? Weekly? A monthly newsletter? When they are late with a payment? The answer just might be all of the above. A recent report indicates that a healthy […]
Make That "Call To ACTION"
Call To Action – a website essential! In the world of websites, a call to action refers to a desired action (or actions) by the website viewer: call, buy now, register for a newsletter, subscribe, or donate, as examples. Well-designed calls to action can lend focus to a website, help direct viewers’ attention, and measure […]
It’s Time for Training Camp!
In those summer moments when you are not brandishing your usual battle garb, allow your mind to embark on its own “Training Camp”. Begin to mentally prepare for your own ‘week one’. Unburdened by the normal to-do lists, this quiet-time may provide just the setting for some creative thinking about your team, schedule, and playbook.