Remember television? Of course you do. We still have them. But will there ever come a day when a future generation will have no idea of watching TV and TV’s will only be museum pieces?
Ever since the dawn of television, viewing habits have always changed. We’ve always sought newer ways to watch our favorite shows.
Television still attracts many viewers, making it impossible for marketers to ignore. However, more and more millennials are watching their favorite shows online.
No doubt, computers have contributed to new ways of watching movies and other forms of entertainment. Companies like Netflix, Hulu and now Amazon stream shows and movies to our computers, as well as creating series shown online alone.
According to a graph from Statista, “People from older age brackets are much less likely to use alternative devices to watch TV content as our chart illustrates. While 44% of 18-34 year-olds have watched TV series on a PC, 28% of 35-54 year-olds and 17% of 55+ year-olds have done so within 30 days preceding the survey. The same holds true for tablets and smartphones, indicating that linear TV usage might well erode further as time goes by.”
No one is saying that television is dying anytime soon, but viewing habits are constantly changing. Those millennials will continue to watch online TV if Netflix, Hulu, Amazon and others continue to provide quality service.
As marketers continue to seek ways to reach millennials, and to tune their ads to target specific audiences, they need to take into account the increase of online TV viewing habits.